香港海鸥助学团 - 海鸥简介



Let the Candle Light Shine on

       ------ Li Zi Yuan


Life is like the beautiful turquoise sea,

Difficulties and obstacles are the waves.

Dear students,

You are the seagulls flying over the sea,

Flapping your wings, fighting through the waves of life,

We hope our little contribution

Gives you confidence and strength.

When you fly high,

You will discover

All the difficulties and obstacles are just ripples,

The sunshine is ahead when you flap by.


     -------- 名誉团长:李治元













海鸥,  飞高看远, 不惧风和浪

烛光,  你传我递, 延续热和光


「香港海鸥助学团」是由前香港玩具厂商会常务副会长、现任香港玩具厂商会常务顾问 - 卢沃棠先生于1999年发起,并由原广州市政府副秘书长李治元先生担任「香港海鸥助学团」名誉团长,由香港企业家及社会各界人士自愿参与,目的希望筹募经费,资助国内贫困地区大学生完成学业,培养成为国家有用之才。卢先生之所以发起组织助学团,源1998年参加甘肃希望小学工程活动中有所启发。期间,在访问活动中得悉一位兰州大学女学生在上课时不支晕倒,后来打探得知,原来该女生家境贫困,为了完成学业,不惜卖血换钱支付学费,卢先生正因女孩的故事所感动,决心返港组织香港企业界及其他社会人士为西北贫困大学生出力,资助他们完成大学学业。

“香港海鸥助学团”于2012年2月17日正式在香港注册成为慈善团体 -正式命名「香港海鸥助学团有限公司」。







The HK Seagull Scholarship Limited – An Introduction



“Hong Kong Seagull Scholarship” was established by Mr. Lo Yuk Tong, Executive Advisor of The Toys Manufacturers' Association of HK. His idea originated during a visit to Gansu Hope School project activities in 1998.During his time there he heard that a university student had fainted in class and he learned that she had been selling her blood in order to pay for her studies. This touched Mr. Lo’s heart and on his return to Hong Kong he was determined he would do something to help students in similar situations. He set up “Seagulls” which is a voluntary organization to collect funds to provide grants for impoverished students in China to complete their studies and prepare them for a worthwhile place in society.

"Hong Kong Seagull Scholarship Limited" is incorporated in Hong Kong on 17 February 2012.



The aim of the "Seagull" group is intended to motivate students in poor areas to be like the seagulls bird, fearless with a strong spirit and constantly striving for ideals. Together with this the passing through of love for students with the action called "little candles" which brings warmth and light. The assisted student with ability can enjoy helping others by passing on the candlelight, a flame burning with flourishing spirit forever, so that more students can complete their studies.

“Hong Kong Seagull Scholarship" in helping to solve financial problems for impoverished children and provide opportunities to continue their education also demonstrates that somebody cares about them. To encourage more Hong Kong people to join these charity activities, we arrange visits to China which are a combination of visiting to China which are a combination of visiting special attractions and country areas. This gives donors the chance to see for themselves the living conditions of these country folk, increase understanding and to extend the hand of friendship.


海鷗助學團花絮 (按此收看普通話版本)

海鷗助學團花絮 (按此收看廣東話版本)


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